On Sep 6, 2021, at 3:55 PM, Matt Palmer <mpalmer@hezmatt.org> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 08:38:44AM +0200, Xavier Beaudouin via NANOG wrote:
I absolutely HATE testing, developing and supporting IPv4+IPv6, more than doubling my time, adding 3rd stack would actually not increase cost that much, it's the 1=>2 which is fantastically expensive. And costs are transferred to customers.
Dual stack is doubling dev time ? Ok... this is quite strange...
Nope, entirely normal and expected. Coding for one case is very straightforward:
Do thing Do other thing Do this as well
Coding for two cases involves identifying each step which needs to be done differently for the two cases and coding up the things to be done differently:
if case1: Do thing this way elif case2: Do same thing this other way Do other thing the same way regardless if case1: Do this as well elif case2: Don't do anything
Sure, but most of this can be obviated with IPV6_V6ONLY=false. From that point on, your software doesn’t need to know or care whether the connection is IPv4 or IPv6, everything looks like IPv6. Owen