On Oct 21, 2021, at 13:50 , Lady Benjamin Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE <lb@6by7.net> wrote:
Outside the datacenter is where DC power really shines in my opinion. Inside the DC, everything is AC now and probably for the best.
We never came up with a modular standard for -48VDC. Perhaps that could have changed things.
I’m actually surprised the industry never standardized on the connectors used in Forklifts. They’re basically a large-current variant of Anderson Power Pole style connectors, but they come in a fixed two-conductor format. They are genderless connectors with excellent durability and very easy assembly. This is an example of the 175A rated version: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwix29Cn4dzzAhWAPq0GHXbQBIsYABAwGgJwdg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQeD2msApqo8j1XMaWbSlUZSb5GKwd-_HS9fjxEHuC1OZtIF_P1TcvIJf6iU1eWg7zXydeBdm7vKY48oTxpBuYKqk&sig=AOD64_0UQZ9Dc5Zv-hSYz-76-eM0uMPfKQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjprsSn4dzzAhWCIDQIHYCNAzcQ0Qx6BAgCEAE&dct=1 They come in sizes from 120A to 350A. Owen