someone wrote to me in private mail that i think needs a public response (though naturally with all identifying marks removed.)
Last I heard, PAIX was full and had been full (and with a waiting list for any space that might become available) for several years.
palo alto has been full on and off for several years. the waiting list gets good churn though -- when northpoint went out of business that freed up 10 racks, for example. it's absolutely worthwhile to talk to the paix sales team about palo alto and get yourself on the waiting list. we're also working on reviving the quarter-rack pricing model to get more peers into racks that become available.
How much space is presently available? I am looking both for my own employer (our needs are minimal, one cabinet at each location, at least 8 locations around the world),
eng1=# select site,descrip,shipto from site where colo; site | descrip | shipto ------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------ pao1 | Palo Alto 1 | 529 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 95301 USA atl1 | Atlanta 1 | 56 Marrieta St, Floor 5 and 7, Atlanta GA 30303-2885 bos1 | Boston 1 | 1 Summer St, 4th Floor, Boston MA 02110-1001 dfw1 | Dallas 1 | 1950 Stemmons Fwy, 1st Floor, Dallas TX 75207-3107 lax1 | Los Angeles 1 | 611 W 6th St, Los Angeles CA 90017-3101 jfk1 | New York 1 | 76 9th Ave, #734, New York NY 19911-5201 sea1 | Seattle 1 | 2001 6th St, 12th Floor, Seattle WA 98121-2855 iad1 | Virginia 1 | 7990 Science Applications Ct, Vienna VA 00000-0000 sfo1 | San Francisco 1 | 365 Main St #110, San Francisco, CA (9 rows) of these, pao1 is somewhat full but worth asking about; bos1, lax1, sfo1 are not open yet; the others have plenty of space available since they're all fairly new. we're selling peering ports at e-exchange in san francisco (200 Paul Street) and will shortly begin selling them at mae-ames as well, in case somebody is either already at those locations and wants to peer with paix's participants, or needs bay area space and can't wait for our san francisco site to open up. eng1=# select site,descrip,shipto from site where not colo; site | descrip | shipto ------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------ mia1 | Miami 1 | 1 NE 1st St, Metro Mall 5th Floor, Miami FL 33132 phl1 | Philly 1 | 401 N Broad St, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130 sjc1 | San Jose 1 | MFN-SJC2, North First St, San Jose CA sfo2 | San Francisco 2 | 200 Paul Street, San Francisco CA 94124 mia1 and phl1 are switch&data locations where we've got switches installed and are selling peering ports. sjc1 is an abovenet location. (i'd be happy to put a paix peering switch at exodus if there's dark fiber available.) and on the topic of exodus:
and for a friend who has several cages full of equipment at Exodus in Santa Clara.
i wish folks would stop worrying so much about exodus. even if the rumours are true and a bankruptcy is in the offing, that probably means protection, not liquidation. psi has been under protection for months now, and is still operating.