On Tue, 8 May 2001, Adrian Chadd wrote:
"To translate this from English to your local language, please try $WEBSITE." So, how about we get imput as to the best English-Japanese translation service online, and then *cough* attempt to standardise on contacting chinese networks this way? They might appreciate the effort. Well, we can then at least say "hey, we TRIED, right?" before the more drastic measures are pulled. But if we agree on a decent translation website URL they can go to, we can get some human-translated chinese to cut and paste into emails.
Actually ive been thinking of setting up a page where you can generate native-language complaint messages by selecting a language, and then filling in the blanks with pulldowns, eg: "Language: [Russian|Chinese|Korean|Japanese|Spanish|...] To whom it may concern: We [are receiving|were exploited] by [ddos|portmap|named|...] attacks from [ip address|netblock] on [month] [day] [year] at [time]. Our timezone offset is [UTC-xxxx]. Please take corrective action and notify me of the results. If you do not speak [English|German|French|...] you can use the webpage http://... to compose your reply. Attached are logs detailing the attacks. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter." This would of course require the assistance of native speakers. I should be able to get russian, chinese, japanese, french, german covered. My russian friend tells me that anyone operating a russian network should have at least a basic understanding of english. Even when I sent them complaints in russian, they responded in good english. -Dan