Who 'allowed' you to announce the /19 when you had a /20 of it? ARIN, at least to us, has been clear on not announcing what isn't assigned.
In the spirit of full disclosure, we were being boneheads and using addresses in the reserved space under the mistaken assumption that since we were being allowed to advertise the whole /19, and had intent to use it, and were going to ask for the other side, it was OK to use that space. Not so.
It would have been nice if ARIN had dropped an automated note to the effect of, "Hey, you've got x months to apply for this space before we re-assign it."
Chris Kilbourn Chief Technical Officer _________________________________________________________________ digital.forest Phone: +1-877-720-0483 where Internet solutions grow Int'l: +1-425-483-0483 19515 North Creek Parkway Fax: +1-425-482-6871 Suite 314 http://www.forest.net Bothell, WA 98011 email: chrisk@forest.net