Hi! This is an update to all nanogers who have been waiting. 1. My apologies to all those waiting for reply on subscription. We have just re-opened additions to the list after a very long time. That aided by an Inbox loss on my side caused things to be a bit slow. Please email me again if you indeed haven't received a reply from me, and many others should be getting replies in the next couple of weeks. 2. The botnet reports which have been sent here mounthly up until not too long ago have stopped. That is because of 2 main reasons: - We started sending out botnet reports by AS, and are giving ISP's a chance to get used to them and how to handle them before we resume with "public shaming" as some here chose to call it. - We are in the process of automating these reports, so that they come from the AS reporting system once every set period of time. 3. The AS reporting mechanism is fully operational. If you would like to know about potential and suspect botnet C&C servers in your AS, please email me and we will add you to the system. Thanks, a very merry Christmas , Hanuka, all the rest and a happy new year! Gadi. -- My blog: http://blogs.securiteam.com/?author=6 "The third principle of sentient life is the capacity for self-sacrifice --- the conscious ability to override evolution and self-preservation for a cause, a friend, a loved one." -- Draal, "A Voice in the Wilderness", Babylon 5.