The two I am working with are factoring buying IP space as part of the business model. Folks like Cogent are now charging a $50 BGP fee so it is a new world. I am seeing more and more folks go to MPLS to try and squeeze as many IPs out as they can. They are flattening their customer pools and saving a few IPs here and there. A couple others are paying for circuits they no longer use just to hold onto IP space. Justin Wilson --- Owner/CEO xISP Solutions- Consulting – Data Centers - Bandwidth COO/Chairman Internet Exchange - Peering - Distributed Fabric
On Nov 2, 2015, at 6:53 AM, wrote:
Surprisingly enough demand for Internet services did not end when we ran out of IPv4. I'd like to hear from the guys and gals starting new ISPs how they are facing this brave new world.
Is it NATs all the way down?
Is IPv6 the knight in shining armor?
Are you getting enough IPs? If not, how are you coping? Buying/renting some, tunneling to somebody who has some, what?
It's all good and well hearing about how you should dual stack and reading about how established players handle IPv6 and IPv4 exhaustion, but what do you do when dual stacking isn't an option and IPv6 only takes you so far?
Now is your chance to shine and bring us some tales from the trenches :)