On Jan 26, 2014, at 22:50 , Geoffrey Keating <geoffk@geoffk.org> wrote:
Patrick van Staveren <pvanstaveren@mintel.com> writes:
This past Tuesday the 22nd I was witness to a widespread DNS poisoning problem in China, whereby a lot of DNS queries were all returning the same IP address, Our websites became unavailable for most of our customers in China, as with many other websites. ... I have two questions for anyone: 1) I've found quite a bit of unofficial news [1] [2] on what happened, but does anyone know what *actually* happened? The only official news from the government that I can find says, "It was probably a cyberattack, but really, we don't know." [3] 2) As a website & network operator who strives to keep their product always available, is there anything I can actually do to prevent from this in the future?
I believe the protocol feature specifically designed to prevent this kind of thing is DNSSEC.
DNSSEC would not have helped. Without DNSSEC: The cache asked for the IP address of the origin based on the hostname. It was given the incorrect IP address, did an HTTP GET to that address, got an error. The cache does not serve the content to the user. With DNSSEC: The cache asks for the IP address of the origin based on the hostname. It was given the incorrect IP address and the cache knows it is incorrect, the cache knows it is incorrect and never tries to get the origin content. The cache does not serve the content to the user. Not sure how DNSSEC solves the problem. Now, if someone were intentionally trying to impersonate the origin to, for instance, inject malicious content, then DNSSEC will help. But in this case, DNSSEC is not useful other than keeping some poor soul from being DDOS'ed.
However, it seems like the common explanation now is an operator error while administrating the Great Firewall. I don't think there's anything technical you can do about that.
Not serve traffic from behind the GFW? Performance will be worse, but that has to be balanced against a sovereign nation unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally) modifying your traffic. -- TTFN, patrick