The support for most geoip websites answers my requests within a few days at most. It's easiest if you self publish a geofeed as described atĀ and keep it up to date. At that point you can just point them to that feed and they'll happily scrape the data at regular intervals (usually weekly).

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 7:42 AM Pascal Masha <> wrote:
Dear All,

If you are running a website that provides IP Location data; it's only fair that you be updating your data fast enough (not more than a month) and poll the correct information provided by the respective RIRs and more especially if other services rely on your data to lock services.

ApartĀ from that, how do you all get them to quickly change their records especially for a block that you recovered from one country and moved to another within the same RIR region/continent?

Paschal Masha.