| Is this the GIX-like proposal which suggests a layer-two bridge between | the East and West Coasts? It is more of a last-resort IP-layer glue for the world's R&E communities, and just one of the various ideas floating around about how to ensure Asia-Pacific (mostly but not exclusively PACCOM/NSI)/European and African (mostly but not exclusively ICM) interconnectivity among R&E nets. | (Who should pay to connect, for example, Asia-Pacific and Europe? | Asia, Pacific and Europe? NSF? Donation by Sprint?) Interesting question, however, I think that there is ample room for cooperation within the bounds of the ICM cooperative agreement between NSF and Sprint. This really is something that has to be answered by people higher up than me, though. The general idea is that this would last no longer than the remaining year of the cooperative agreement, and that this would be a way of allowing non-US R&E networks to buy some time as they work through the long process of dealing with adjusting international connectivity. Sean.