I don't know if any Y.1731 gear will do anything other than constant interval probes. I'm also not sure what the values of randomly spaced probes would be. As far as I know the Y.1731 performance measurement probes are intended to be used to obtain performance data on circuits with as little impact on the available bandwidth as possible. Using a random departure time sounds like the sort of load test where you want to generate a synthetic data stream and consume bandwidth. Jonathon
-----Original Message----- From: Adam Vitkovsky [mailto:adam.vitkovsky@swan.sk] Sent: Thursday, 27 September 2012 7:39 p.m. To: Jonathon Exley; nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Ethernet OAM BCPs Please are there any yet???
Thank you so much Jonathon. This is exactly what I what I was searching for. Oh and yes I should have mentioned I'd like to do the Y.1731 and measure the delay and delay variance
Just yesterday evening I found a great article about how ATT did theirs active measurements though for IP - wondering if I could do the same for my Y.1731 They used dedicated servers and I'll be running this form the routers ME3600X and CX and ASR9K so I'm a bit worried about the scaling of the whole thing
ATT basically used two probes and each 24-hour day is divided into 96 test cycles of 15 minutes
A Poisson probe sequence of duration equal to the test cycle characteristics: - Poisson distribution with average interarrival time of 3.3 s - Packet size of 278 bytes, including headers - UDP protocol
Two periodic probe sequences in every test characteristics: - Interval of 20 ms between successive packets (or 50 packets/s) - 1 min duration - Random start time within the 15 min cycle - Packet size of 60 bytes (including headers) - UDP protocol
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