The Edgerouter Pro 8 meets all your specs. It's 1U, has eight GigE ports, including two SFP/combo ports, can take full IPv4 and IPv6 tables, and only consumes 40 watts (about half an amp at 120V). About $300. -mel beckman
On Dec 4, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Adam Lawson <> wrote:
I'm looking for suggestions on 1U-2U sized router with 1G interface
which can handle both IPv4 and IPv6 full BGP table and doesn't consume
too much power.
The router needs to be squeezed in to a rack which doesn't
have a lot of space nor power. As for space, maybe I can make
space for 3U or 4U but as for power, I can only do around
1.5A@100V on average. (There is room for burst power usage.)
The following are the one's I can think of:
- Juniper M7i with C-FEB-E (base 1.59A)
- Brocade CER2024F (1.35A)
- Mikrotik CCR, UBNT EdgeRouter Pro/Infinity
- A server with Vyos, vMX or ASR1000v
Does anyone have other recommendations?