16 Aug
16 Aug
10:03 p.m.
A number of major music labels have joined forces and are seeking relief from backbone providers, see: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=582&e=2&cid=582&u=/nm/200 20816/wr_nm/media_copyright_dc_4 It sounds like the labels are alleging that the providers are, in some way, contributing infringers. If there are any legal eagles here, can a Common Carrier be a contributing infringer? Could a trucking firm be labeled a contributing infringer if it carries goods that violate patent/copyright law? Would Verizon/SBC/Qwest et al be construed this way if the service delivered copyrighted material over the voice network unencoded? -- John Ferriby - PGP Key: www.ferriby.com/pgpkey