NANOG is not a general purpose router help mailing list. Issues discussed here are supposed to be relevant to the North American ISP community.
excuse? configuring routers is not operational in north america? have you gone completely layer 2 over there? Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that someone asking about how to set up 2 default routes on a FreeBSD box is operationally or technically relevant to the NANOG community at large?
I believe their email fails the NANOG pre-posting guide (specifically #3) and furthermore that it would be far better answered on a FreeBSD specific mailing list. This same person posted a question on Wednesday about MTU's stating "Why? but I still don't know why mtu can cause this problem." I seriously doubt this was relevant to the thousands of people who read this list but I could be wrong about that one too. Perhaps someone from the MLC can comment on whether these sorts of posts qualify as relevant. On the other hand, if you really want to answer these sorts of questions then perhaps people can email you directly? I personally think NANOG has enough noise as it is. -Don