On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
That was a ccourt order, not much any US based corporation can do about that, eh? Oh, yeah, and it didn't help stop any child pornographers, all it did was hide their tracks from the authorities :(
I suspect most ISPs in the US will follow lawful orders issued by authorities with jurisdiction. Some may try to also point out how stupid or ineffective those orders are.
Yes, this is true, and atleast for the cited PA article that was the case for ALOT of the affected ISP's. (the pointing out of a poor choice of solutions)
In the last month there have been several worms, viruses and activites by law enforcement and other authorities related to those. I think some folks are confusing the various different requests, orders, subpoenaes, etc.
This is also true, and often the front-line technical service folks are told: "We were told to do this by the gum'ent, that's our story and we're stickin' to it!" Which often gets abbreviated to: "Yeah, we were ordered by the stormtroopers to do this, sorry!" :(
I have no idea if UUNET cooperated with the FBI, NICP, DHS or other AHJ concerning any of the worms or viruses over the last month.
Our lawyers tell me we always cooperate when asked with a court order...