On Fri 2017-Feb-24 10:36:58 +0700, Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net> wrote:
On 24 Feb 2017, at 10:31, Israel G. Lugo wrote:
Does anyone know of something similar to this exist in commodity software, outside of custom solutions developed for a specific network?
FWIW, I'm pretty sure Visio has been able to snmpwalk for many years. Some NMSes have this sort of capability, too.
None of these necessarily get to your ideal state, but at least get you going wrt discovery for semi-dynamic documentation. netdisco: - https://metacpan.org/pod/App::Netdisco - have not used, but has been around the block. mnet: - https://github.com/MJL85/mnet - have used for rudimentary discovery - have not beat on it extensively netdot: - https://osl.uoregon.edu/redmine/projects/netdot - used at previous $dayjob - decent integration/exports for other common monitoring or network management tools /r/networking may have more. At the very least they should get you going without excessive setup time while you eval whether they fit the bill or you want something more integrated/comprehensive.
----------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net>
-- Hugo Slabbert | email, xmpp/jabber: hugo@slabnet.com pgp key: B178313E | also on Signal