On Mon, 9 May 2011, Arie Vayner wrote:
What disturbs me is the piece saying "We recommend disabling IPv6<http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=ArHGqIAYvt_4fpp3N3vLzmNRJ3tG/SIG=11vv8jc1f/**http%3A//help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/ipv6/general/ipv6-09.html> ", with a very easy link...
Even more disturbing than that is that when I run a test from here it says that I have broken v6. But I don't have broken v6 and test-v6.com proves it with a 10/10. This Yahoo tool doesn't seem to even give a hint as to what it thinks is broken. Can anyone from Yahoo shed some light on what this tool is doing and how to get it to tell us what it thinks is broken? -- Brandon Ross AIM: BrandonNRoss ICQ: 2269442 Skype: brandonross Yahoo: BrandonNRoss