In message <5814696F.3060106@foobar.org>, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
I always start with whatver whois.iana.org has to say. And it says that that belongs to APNIC, so of course, I only looked at what whois.apnic.net had to say about
yeah, this prefix was transferred from APNIC to ARIN. You can search for the details here:
Oh, geeeezzzzz! ... Showing 1 to 10 of 1,823 entries
This isn't the first time I've wished that the right hand knew (or cared) what the left hand was doing. I've asked the folks at IANA about this sort of thing in the past, i.e. them giving pointers to the apparently wrong RiR whois server, and they just won't fix it.
It's not an IANA problem to fix. IANA handles the initial allocation...
You are correct. In this case, it would have been helpful if APNIC's WHOIS server returned something, when queried about, that would include an explicit referral to the ARIN WHOIS server. I mean they obviously know all the transfers they've made. But I guess that somebody somwhere decided that that's just too much trouble. Regards, rfg