In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.1000629104337.11811B-100000@Overkill.EnterZone.Net>, John Fraizer writes:
While I agree with the statement, I take exception to any notion that _any_ service we provide would be "marginal." Thus far, my network has a higher uptime percentage than any carrier we interconnect with, period, the end. We planned, built and operate a regional exchange, including the route servers, that has been live 24/7 for 11 months. That is 0% downtime for the route-server platform and the exchange fabric.
The issue isn't so much network availability -- though a key server designed to meet the needs of NANOG folks is interesting, since they most need to talk to each other when the net isn't working well -- as service availability. That has all sorts of implications at the application level. --Steve Bellovin