unrouted addresses I expect .... What with their CTO declaring no need for IPv6 last June I do wonder if the Government is in the driving seat of its network policy. It'll be a'rolling in the aisles when HMG wakes up to find they've flogged their v4 and can't deploy v6 and are to be stuck behind a nice vendor's CGNAT policies for the duration. But they love silos. Christian Randy Carpenter wrote:
"Top Quality" ?
Are they aged longer in special barrels? Polished extra nicely?
(Ouch, I think I injured my eyes from the rolling)
thanks, -Randy
----- On Mar 13, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Alec Muffett alec.muffett@gmail.com wrote:
Perhaps I'm odd, but I find the novelty of this to be amusing:
IPv4 Market Group Announces the Availability of a Significant Portfolio of
IPv4 Addresses for Purchase in the RIPE Region:
IPv4 Market Group, a global leader in IPv4 sales, has just announced the availability of up to 2.6 million top quality IPv4 addresses for purchase in the RIPE region. The firm’s Executive Vice President for Business Development, Jeff Mehlenbacher, said that the IPv4 blocks are being offered in multiples of /16, with up to 7 contiguous /16’s and 40 /16’s in total IPs.
It's related to this blogpost:
...and I gather that perhaps - although it's currently being marketed as a bunch of /16s - they might also entertain the possibility of selling it as an entire /8 for a reasonable price.
I'm wondering: have we passed the point of peak IPv4 scarcity? Is selling an entire /8 still a viable proposition? Apparently UK Gov may have more than one...
- alec
-- Christian de Larrinaga FBCS, CITP, MCMA ------------------------- @ FirstHand ------------------------- +44 7989 386778 cdel@firsthand.net -------------------------