Dean, I started the thread with the original question, and after not hearing a suitable response from either Spamcop or someone from the networking side of Facebook, I gave up on this thread when people like Michelle started chiming in their opinion. This thread wasn't meant to be an opinion-fest, but a technical issue that definitely hampers my customers, which apparently, everyone completely lost sight of. So really, my customers, and myself are victims of Spamcop's blocking of Facebook. -S Dean Anderson wrote:
What a load of BS from the "scammer/counterfeit-antispammer" crowd, otherwise described as con-artists and frauds.
"You're not authorized to solicit bulk email on behalf of third parties: only they are"
Huh? In this case, the third party (the user) authorized sending the mail on //their// behalf to //their// contacts. This email doesn't go out except by action of the user. The *recipients* of the email have indeed solicited email from the user; they are the contacts of the user.
Basically, what the (well-known) con-artists are trying to say is that Facebook can't be authorized by its own user to send email from the user to the contacts of that user. Finally, Linkedin, plaxo and other social networking sites do the same thing. ISPs also send email on behalf of their users, and have done so for many years.
Last, just imagine if each of your contacts had to authorize which ISP you could use to send them email. Facebook is just an ISP in the email transaction, offering a service to the user; so that the user can send email to their contacts. Obviously both the user and Facebook benefit, but there is nothing wrong with that. Its not spam because its sent at the request of the user to people the user is already in contact with.
Blocking facebook is a scam; an effort to shakedown Facebook for money/services/etc.
Jim: Are you starting to see a pattern, yet? There is no point in arguing with con-artists.
On Thu, 4 Mar 2010, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
If I leave all boxes checked to send mail/notices/app requests to everyone in my list, or if I give FB my gmail password to pull all my contacts and send them an invite, its pure @ my request, sure FB is happy I do it, but it is no way spam. This is dead wrong. You're not authorized to solicit bulk email on behalf of third parties: only they are. In the absence of solicitation from
On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 03:16:25PM -0400, jim deleskie wrote: the *recipients*, bulk email is spam -- by definition.