On Fri, 30 May 2003, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Fri, 30 May 2003, John Payne wrote:
--On Friday, May 30, 2003 21:15 +0800 Steve Waddington <stevew@onet.com.au> wrote:
Our whole netblock seems to be barred from anything .mil. Domain name resolution, MX, IP traceroute, the lot. Anyone able to shed any light on this? In recent times, a lot of .mil have thrown up a whole bunch of null routes to large sections of international address space. Good luck getting them removed
Maybe the rest of the net should return the favor and drop .mil routes until they decide to get working abuse@ and postmaster@ addresses. They seem to think its fine that .mil boxes can spam and attack civilian networks and apparently arent interested in hearing the complaints.
I can't and won't speak for others, but when i was handling abuse issues I never once had a problem making contact with responsible people at .mil sites to get issues addressed. 9 times out of 10 it took all of one phone call or one email. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tony Rowley | "To confine our attention to terrestrial Lansdowne PA USA | matters would be to limit the human spirit." rowley@netaxs.com | -- Professor Stephen Hawking