But if they route it to me and I null it, the traffic is already fillimg my pipe (which is my issue).

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sat, Dec 22, 2018, 11:32 AM Jason Canady <jason@unlimitednet.us wrote:

The /32 should override any static route they are sending you with a larger prefix.

Jason Canady
Unlimited Net, LLC
Responsive, Reliable, Secure
On 12/22/18 11:30 AM, Josh Luthman wrote:
I do BGP with them, but of course the issue is an IP that they route to me.

My issue is with ASN 10796

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 4:55 PM Aaron1 <aaron1@gvtc.com> wrote:
If you BGP neighbor with them you can send-community /32 advertisement to them, and the will remotely black hole it


> On Dec 21, 2018, at 3:51 PM, Josh Luthman <josh@imaginenetworksllc.com> wrote:
> We have had a DOS attack for over 12 hours.  I simply want them to null route or black hole an address.  The traffic is filling one of our circus with them.
> The farthest I got was them telling me they can't do route changes because we're not public safety.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373