22 Feb
22 Feb
8:31 p.m.
## On 2004-02-22 19:20 +0100 Daniel Concepcion typed: DC> DC> DC> Hi Deepak, DC> DC> Check DC> http://www.cymru.com/BGP/bogon-rs.html DC> They are doing a good job in this issue. Not quite - That is a list of BOGON networks (such as non-allocated, private(RFC1918), ... ) You're probably thinking of a non-public service run by the same people you may want to ask them off-list about that DC> DC> Regards, DC> Daniel DC> DC> > DC> > If this is already done and I don't have a good set of skills with DC> > Google, please let me know. non-public stuff shouldn't be on Google ... -- Rafi DC> > DC> > Thanks in advance, DC> > DC> > Deepak Jain DC> > AiNET DC>