thanks john. your consideration to the ops community is appreciated.
ARIN continues its preparations for offering production-grade resource certification services for Internet number resources in the region. ARIN recognizes the importance of Internet number resource certification in the region as a key element of further securing Internet routing, and plans to rollout Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) at the end of the second quarter of 2011 with support for the Up/Down protocol for those ISPs who wish to certify their subdelegations via their own RPKI infrastructure.
way cool. and there are open source tool-sets the isps can run to handle their resources, generate roas, ...
ARIN continues to evaluate offering a Hosting Resource Certification service for this purpose (as an alternative to organizations having to run their own RPKI infrastructure), but at this time it remains under active consideration and is not committed. We look forward to discussing the need for this type of service and the organization implications atour upcoming ARIN Members Meeting in April in San Juan, PR.
i understand fearing holding others' private keys and critical data. no blame there. <separate subject> but out of curiousity, how reality based are arin's general liability fears? in the last few years, how many times has arin been a named defendant in a law suit? how many times a [principal] plaintiff? randy