I concur with Owen here. 6RD is a band-aid, but a pretty effective one to introduce IPv6 to the staff and management in your organization. When you get to native deployment, your engineering and ops staff no longer freak out when they see some IPv6 config. They can even debug ISIS and the IPv6 RR without calling you in the middle of the night! On the management side, they actually see IPv6 traffic in the nice monthly graphs, so they’ll remember to put it in the next RFP and even not to cut it from the next budget, if you’re lucky. And 6RD performance is quite good when implemented properly (2-3% hit on bandwidth, 1 ms in latency). What hurts are CPEs with bad implementations (bad option 212 implementation or no MTU reduction). /JF On Jun 20, 2014, at 4:17 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
The point is that you can offer IPv6 to a lot of people using various instatntiations of but using globally unique IPv6 addresses providing them full true internet access without NAT.
Yes, 6rd is a stopgap, but 6rd stopgap is better than multi-natted IPv4 only.
On Jun 20, 2014, at 07:22 , Gabriel Blanchard <gabe@teksavvy.com> wrote:
6rd is in my opinion a band-aid solution, I don't see the point of offering IPv6 if it requires IPv4. native IPv6 should be offered where possible.
We offer native IPv6 to all our DSL customers but only on an opt-in basis, we're although unfortunately unable to offer IPv6 over Cable since we still depend on a certain incumbent...
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Jean-Francois.Dube@videotron.com Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 10:13 AM To: lists@sadiqs.com Cc: nanog@nanog.org; NANOG Subject: RE: Canada and IPv6 (was: Ars Technica on IPv4 exhaustion)
Videotron (AS5769) is offering 6RD (RFC5969) to all residential customers, if their gear supports it. (DHCP option 212)
(But our MGMT still calls it beta for now.)
Jean-François Dubé Technicien, Opérations Réseau IP Ingénierie Exploitation des Réseaux Vidéotron
"NANOG" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org> a écrit sur 2014-06-18 20:16:01 :
De : Sadiq Saif <lists@sadiqs.com> A : nanog@nanog.org, Date : 2014-06-19 12:43 Objet : Canada and IPv6 (was: Ars Technica on IPv4 exhaustion) Envoyé par : "NANOG" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org>
On 6/18/2014 14:25, Lee Howard wrote:
Canada is way behind, just 0.4% deployment.
Any Canadian ISP folk in here want to shine a light on this dearth of residential IPv6 connectivity?
Is there any progress being made on this front?
-- Sadiq Saif