On 5/15/16 10:05 AM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org>:
The upshot is that there are many real-world situations where expensive clock discipline is needed. But IT isn't, I don't think, one of them, with the exception of private SONET networks (fast disappearing in the face of metro Ethernet).
Thank you, that was very interesting information. I'm not used to thinking of IT as a relatively low-challenge environment!
You're implicitly suggesting there might be a technical case for replacing these T1/T3 trunks with some kind of VOIP provisioning less dependent on accurate time synch. Do you think that's true?
APCO and TETRA trunked radio are mature systems, they do carry data, but are somewhat lower bandwidth. Being TDM they are dependent on accurate clocks. LTE systems are used or envisioned being used for high bandwidth applications.