On Aug 9, 2005, at 9:57 AM, J. Oquendo wrote:
Ironic the marketing and disinformation coming out of Cisco Systems in relation to not disclosing what really occurred and labeling the vulnerability as "IPv6 based.... but" after they initially stated it as "IPv6 only!"
Its a half truth. The vulnerability was IPv6 only, the method for executing arbitrary code was not. That's definitely spin, and I hope they address it soon.
Spin spin sugar... Looking at this current situation I'm wondering when did it become a federal offense to break a non disclosure agreement.
The FBI is not investigating violation of a non disclosure agreement. My understanding is that they are investigating possible trade secret theft. Also, please note that there is a large up welling of support within the federal government for what Lynn did and it would be improper to characterize them all as demons. The FBI is performing due diligence investigations based on reports to them of criminal activity. The FBI, in this case, is not the person responsible for this ongoing investigation. Rather, that lies with the assigned prosecutor and whomever the reporting parties were. A much better summary of these events can be found at Jennifer Granick's blog: http://www.granick.com/blog/