On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 4:33 PM Paul Ebersman <list-nanog2@dragon.net> wrote:
randy> https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg84yy/data-brokers-netflow-data-team-cymru
randy> at&t, comcast, ... zayo, please tell us you do not do this.
aaron> You know they do.
No, you don't know that.
The above all certainly collect this info. Not all sell it to anyone who asks.
Well, not just anyone who asks. But perhaps some of those who ask. You, for example, as a random guy, might not have much luck. Various and sundry other organizations, on the other hand, would likely have much better luck, were they to pursue such a thing. Matt Harris|Infrastructure Lead 816-256-5446|Direct Looking for help? Helpdesk|Email Support We build customized end-to-end technology solutions powered by NetFire Cloud.