After much discussion with many different people, including some at registries, I have modified our filter-list to accept /19s in the block. The change will take effect upon the next clearing of exterior BGP sessions with our various neighbours. Note that there will be no further relaxtion of the /19 limit, and that the principal reasoning behind the change from /18 to /19 for this block is as follows: -- a miscommunication between me and various registries several months ago which led to registries and perhaps some providers handing out some /19s that they honesty expected would pass through the filters; the fact that they did, to some extent, due to the minor implementation glitch on this side, exacerbated the problem. -- several people have aggregated long prefixes into /19s (thank you) and find that they cannot reasonably do further aggregation to /18s due to various allocation policies. This change increases the number of prefixes AS1239 will route towards by 129, all of which are /19s, and many of which can and should be aggregated into even shorter prefixes. Note that this will not help anyone who is announcing anything longer than a 19-bit prefix in the range, nor anyone who is expecting to be able to announce /19s in - At this time, I don't intend to have AS1239 routers accept /19s in those blocks from its external peers, nor do I expect to increase the maximum length of the prefixes accepted from beyond that which registries were allocating as part of their slow-start scheme with the expectation that /19s probably were short enough that they would stay routable everywhere. Sean. - -- Sean Doran <>