I agree that seconds sometimes matters, but the latency of a transaction doesn't have a linear relationship with radio or battery usage on a mobile device. Because of the timers involved in the state transitions (eg CELL_FACH -> CELL_DCH), a few seconds of extra latency often is inconsequential because there is a minimum duration for which the radio will stay awake anyways. Coalescing techniques like Android's setInexactRepeating method of the Alarm Manager also optimize radio access across multiple apps. Not every device out there is an android. Not every OS on every device handles connections the same way. Problems can compound if several different names must be looked up in order to get a complete page view. Are your images served from a different name? Do you have short TTLs that require names to be looked up frequently? Again, every network is going to have their own unique sets of issues. But until there are more eyeballs out there that are native v6, we aren't going to see a lot of movement.