On Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 08:29:15AM +0900, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote a message of 34 lines which said:
and please tell me why any of the tech and admin pocs of these cctlds should give a <bleep> what my server's actual ip address is.
Going back to operational issue (yes, incredible as it may seems, I won't write here what I think of ICANN), there is a *technical* solution to this issue, which is the one deployed by the RIPE-NCC. Give a different *name* (and may be a different *IP address*) to every ccTLD. So instead of using rip.psg.com for the 23 ccTLD, create ripe-XX.psg.com, where XX is the code for the ccTLD. That way, a change will require ACK by only one ccTLD manager. It should be enough but, if you have enough IP addresses, it may be safer to have different IP addresses as well, in the case of a bug in Verisign zone generator, bug which would prevent several name servers to have the same IP address (that's what the RIPE-NCC did).