On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
if you're going to do something that has the potential to affect (say, for example) email to a wide set of people, most of which are NOT your direct users, how do you go about making that public?
'the internet' isn't really a good answer for 'how do you notify'. Doug's note that: "email mailops" is good... but I'm not sure how many people that run lists listen to mailops? (I don't ... i don't run any big list, but...)
I also wonder about update cycles for software in this realm? and for very larger list operators there's probably some customization and such to hurdle over on the upgrade path, eh? so how much leadtime is enough? how much is too much? 1yr seems like a long time - people will forget, 1wk doesn't seem like enough to avoid firedrills and un-intended bugs.
First, you don't start by telling mailinglist admins to NOT worry about dmarc as they are a special case that will be handled/whitelisted/etc. The dmarc discussion archives (of which Yahoo is a primary sponsor, and a Yahoo employee is one of the spec authors) are full of discussions that clearly show no cause or care about mailinglists. I was told, several times, that mailinglists would be ok, they would be whitelisted and that there was no need for all my concern (well over 6 months ago). -Jim P.