On Tue, 8 May 2001, Wing Wong wrote:
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Tue, 8 May 2001, Paul Lantinga wrote:
Justin, et al, do you have any *proof* that these attacks are coming from Chinese attackers on Chinese machines? We may never know since mainland china admins never respond to abuse mails. Ever consider the possibility that the admins in question don't understand English? It'd be like if someone sends you a Big5 or SJIS encoded message complaining about spam or cracks and all you see is binary jiberish on your screen. Even romanized communications would be difficult to understand.
I can use babelfish, why can't they? Yes, babelfish is less than perfect, but I can usually grok the gist of an email. And if babelfish isnt good enough, there's others. FWIW I've had a chinese friend in canada send a BIG5 email once and the same -- no response. -Dan