On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
while i can understand folk's wanting to signal upstream using communities, and i know it's all the rage. one issue needs to be raised.
BGP communities are all the rage? I don't think this is new concept or fad. Signaling behaviors as well as informing users of types of routes have been around for awhile. For example, RFC1998 (Aug 1996) outlines some of these behaviors with modifying local preference. Even Sprint was advertising the ability to not advertise or prepend to individual peers back in 2002 (http://web.archive.org/web/20020607092619/www.sprintlink.net/policy/bgp.html).
so i ain't sayin' don't do it. after all, who would deny you the ability to show off your bgp macho?
How is providing better capabilities for your customers macho? People have been using these knobs 10 years ago and it worked then (just as well as it works now). Drive Slow (as there are trick-or-treaters out tonight)