I am hoping to learn from the great pool of experience on this list.
We currently have 2 OC3 connections going to 2 seperate providers. We are using netflow statistics to balance our traffic flows (which outgoing is our major concern). Flow tools, snmp output, some custom scripts, and some bgp weighting does the trick.
For his Ph.D. thesis, Steve Uhlig developped and evaluated by simulations several techniques to solve this problem. You can find details about those techniques in his thesis : A description of these techniques is expected to appear soon in ACM Computer Communication Review. The techniques were evaluated by using simulations performed with perl scripts on Netflow traces. The perl scripts are also available from Steve's website : In parallel to this work, we are developping an open source traffic engineering toolbox ( ). If there is interest from network operators, we could place some of the scripts developped by Steve in the toolbox. Best regards, Olivier Bonaventure -- CSE Dept. UCL, Belgium -