On Thursday, May 21, 2015, Mark Tinka <mark.tinka@seacom.mu> wrote:
On 21/May/15 18:59, Dave Taht wrote:
Two things I am curious about are 1) What is the measured benefit of moving a netflix server into your local ISP network
and 2) does anyone measure "cross town latency". If we lived in a world where skype/voip/etc transited the local town only, what sort of latencies would be see within an ISP and within a cross-connect from, say a gfiber to a comcast?
On average, 1ms for every 100km.
We've seen this in practice - consistently - for any fibre deployed within the same town/city.
Unless someone does something very wrong with the fibre, suffers terrible hardware issues, deliberately implements debilitating bandwidth management or does a piss-poor job of network design, it would be reasonably hard to go above +/- 1ms for traffic that originates and terminates within the same town, let alone 6 miles of speaking parties.
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