FWIW, I find the config archival on-commit to be a very useful feature. I use it with SCP. Sadly, neither J nor C support doing this with an SSH private key on the router, you have to use a password. J at least encrypts the password if you do it right (…”URL” password “plain-text”). Cisco does not encrypt this password in the config (perhaps they do in more recent releases. All my C hardware is ancient. C will do it on “write”. Not quite as good as “on-commit”, but since C lacks commit, is what it is. YMMV. Owen
On Aug 24, 2023, at 07:11, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:39 PM Grant Taylor via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
On 8/21/23 7:09 PM, Diogo Montagner wrote: I would first try to understand what you are trying to achieve. JUNOS is very flexible on this front and I am wondering why you think yacc is the right way to achieve what you are trying to do.
Drive by comment:
Perhaps the OP is trying to parse a (pile of) config file(s) downstream of the generation thereof and has no ability to alter their generation.
this is a common problem (or is common when I look at things, perhaps I'm looking wrongly, but...) I'd love to have something that parsed all of my device type configs and output the results into a 'database' that i could then ask questions of like: "Hey, what NTP servers are configured on all devices?" "Hey, which devices have this <access-list/firewall/user> configured on them?"
There are a host of other things I could ask those are but 2 simple examples, and YES I can grep/sed/awk|sort|uniq|sort-rn my way to success for the 2 examples I provided... but really that's NOT the way I want to do this, and I do really have a bunch of other questions I'd like to ask, regularly, to solve rollout-of-new-feature / compliance / legal / troubleshooting / etc questions.
In looking around there are examples of some of this, in a way, the most common thing I end up looking at, and getting sad about, is some java monstrosity (who's name escapes me) but has shown up in a few nanog presentations over the years... it makes me sad because it's not super useful in my world :( 'hard to use' is probably the best way to describe it.
One note about XML and Juniper, the schema changes by OS version, it changes quite a bit :( You CAN parse through it reasonably well with python lxml.Etree, because (I think) python's parse is VERY forgiving. If you attempt this path with golang :( you will be sad, very sad :( because the go->xml world is very 'build a struct of structs that mirrors the xml tree' and 'changes at every OS version' means now you have a LOT of versions of that :( maintenance gets back to saku's comment about feature velocity :(
I do see: https://pypi.org/project/juniper-nxpy/
which may be useful to you as well Lyndon. (I'd also point to tftp as not being the super best option from a security and reliability perspective, but if that's what you've got that's what you've got... you COULD have the switch cronjobs curl/post to an https destination with little hard work, and a gain in reliabilty/security)