<rant> So, anybody want to take bets ? I bet the young lady, in the interview, within her first 2 years, makes a BEE-LINE for management, and starts -insisting- everyone wears a tie, so they look professional. Remember, IBM salesman -rammed- "dark tie, and white shirt" down the industries throat.. You weren't -professional- unless you dressed, in this fashion. Corporate America's management bought into this load of malarkey, wholeheartedly. (I suspect their ties were too tight..) So, soon corporate America was looking down their nose at anyone who couldn't play the management conformity game... After all, your not a -professional- with out a dark tie, and light suit. Meantime, back at IBM HQ, at the Watson Research center, the top IBM techs , such as Benoit, were running around in cut offs, and pony tails. Seems, to IBM, this rule was only true for -salesmen-, and trivial technicals, and IBM had a pioneer in their company who went -way- out of his way to make sure R&D TECHNICALS were -not- required to conform. According to his research, good technicals rarely enjoy conforming. It is management, and sales, that admire conformity. Nonetheless, a reality as sold by -salesman=, bought into by -management-, and propogated by -recruiters-, became the norm for technicals... it took us 20 years to throw that perspective out the window... and some big companies -still- by into that load of "stuff". Meanwhile , IBM kept running that research center, -without- such codes.... pointedly. Yes, I feel almost -positive- this young lady will seek management. I really do. Shortly thereafter, she will attempt to correct these errors in the industry, and set us all straight. She will recruit people who cannot stand discussing "tape drives, hardware, and wires", and management will back her wholeheartedly. I just know it. :\ </rant> rdobbins@netmore.net wrote:
News flash, lady - IT -is- "tape drives and hardware and wires and machines". So, if you have nothing in common with people who are interested in such things, go do something else.