From: up@3.am [mailto:up@3.am] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:57 AM
On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, deeann mikula wrote:
On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Smith, Rick wrote:
Just found this...
i read a similar article y'day, and that was the first that i had heard mention of rhythms going down. either i was too busy pulling my hair out last month or they were really good about keeping it quiet. *sigh*
looks like verizon is gonna be the only xdsl provider left solvent when the dust settles. how scary is that, and how predictable?
Although this may well ultimately prove true, people do realize that filing for chapter 11 is not synonymous with going out of business, right?
Show me one case, in the xDSL CLEC business where this has held true. Thus far, *every* one of them, that has filed CH11, has gone out of business within 30 days, as near as I can tell. The track record is pretty dismal.