Get A.S.S.P and integrate it with your postfix box, implement SPF and run dkimproxy on your postfix box and bid spams adieu . You would be surprised the power of ASSP . It is the best out there that kills spam dead on arrival and departure. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:18, Robert Bonomi <> wrote:
From Wed Mar 2 02:53:14 2011 Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 10:46:03 +0200 From: Peter Rudasingwa <> To: Subject: Postfix spam
I am being attacked by a lot of spams on my postfix box. What is the best way to block them and fix this for good?
It is so bad some of my IPs have been black listed.
Thanks for your help.
1) Hire a professional, as staff or as a contractor, to secure your systems.
2) Find the 'off' switch on the postfix box, and _use_ it.