<snippage occurred> --- rob@invaluement.com wrote: From: Rob McEwen <rob@invaluement.com> The bottom line is that there is no trend of recently observed sea level rising data that is even close to being on track to hit all these dire predictions within the foreseeable future.... And, again, there were articles like this 10, 15, and even 20 years ago that made very similar predictions - that didn't happen. ------------------------------------------ Maybe the dire predictions didn't happen, but when combined with other drivers stuff happens. For example: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/may/10/headlines-exaggerated-cl... "The study blamed the loss on a combination of sea-level rise and high wave energy." "The major misunderstanding stems from the conflation of sea-level rise with climate change." "...the ocean has been rising in the Solomon Islands at 7mm per year, more than double the global average." "...driven partly by global warming and partly by climatic cycles - in particular the Pacific Decadal Oscillation." So for us, it's an it depends thing. It depends what cables and where they're located. scott