Randy Bush (randy) writes:
patience. when things really start to break, and the finger of fate points at them, clue may arise.
When this issue was brought up on the OARC dns-operations list, and it was suggested to make some simply factsheets (a bit like ICANN's IPv6 http://www.icann.org/announcements/factsheet-ipv6-26oct07.pdf), this was poo-pooed as being useless and a waste of time. Since the final victim is the end user, I still think it's worth the effort to try and make security officers and similar network operators aware of the issues and what they can do to mitigate potential problems. See for example: http://www.afnic.fr/actu/nouvelles/240/l-afnic-invite-les-responsables-techn... (Yes, there's an English version too). Cheers, Phil