|> From: Randy Bush [mailto:randy@psg.com] |> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:18 PM |> |> > there would appear to be people who assert its not unafordable to |> > compute the routes for the current, and the forseeable network. |> |> and there are those of us who think we can probably do so iff we stop |> the explosion of /24s. Okay, let's get it back out of the realm of opinion and into requirements. I'll even go down one step more, to /25. Take the entire IP addr space, break it ALL into /25's, times the BGP table entry size, how big is that? Could 4GB of RAM do it? How about 8GB? Your average 64-bit processor can handle T-Bytes and they are affordable by your average basement dual-homers. Also, I just got a price quote for 512MB ECC PC133 DIMMS at $49US, retail. Oh yeah, that same processor runs faster than 1 GHz. That's todays *computer* technology. Router technology needs to catch up. Considering what router vendors charge, with very fat margins, for their low-tech routers, affordable tech arguments don't hold water. Routers are expensive because someone is stupid enough to pay the prices. We are getting royally ripped off there. Cisco takes special RAM because Cisco designed incompatible RAM circuitry so they could charge you more for the Cisco label. It also bolsters the FUD-storm and the after-market support vendors. BTW, you really ought to check out that site at http://www.routerrevolution.com. The reason I chose /25 is because the average small business can easily use that much space, but would have a hard time justifying a /24.