Not an entirely whacky concept actually. The way hot potato routing works, this could actually be a "purer" test I suspect of the network internally and a purer test of connectivity of any network to all others cum Internet. At least in the other direction, complementing what we are probably measuring. Unfortunately, it would require the cooperation of the backbones themselves, and a number of them would not find it in their interest, consider it proprietary, etc. etc. ad nauseum. The problem is, that many of these companies benefit in the marketplace from this game of liars poker, and don't WANT ****ANY**** testing or results. Keynote does a "Top 40" study of 40 popular web sites and I believe they make the results available on their web site. It is interesting to observe performance variations of the network as a whole over time. Other than that, we don't have much interest in it. It is indicative of no specific network, but of the Internet in general. Jack Rickard =================================================================== Jack Rickard Boardwatch Magazine Editor/Publisher 8500 West Bowles Ave., Ste. 210 jack.rickard@boardwatch.com Littleton, CO 80123 www.boardwatch.com Voice: (303)973-6038 =================================================================== ----------
From: Peter Cole <Peter.Cole@telescan.com> To: nanog@merit.edu Cc: marketing@keynote.com Subject: RE: Keynote/Boardwatch Internet Backbone Index A better test!!! Date: Friday, June 27, 1997 11:57 AM
I would like to see the test run again with the following change.
From each provider test the response time of the other 28 sites and not the providers own web server. Then average the response times for these other 28 web servers and report that average response time from that provider. The providers with good connectivity to the rest of the net should have lower average response time.
P.S. One might also be interested in the top one hundred web sites average response time.
Peter Cole of Telescan, Inc. (281)588-9155 Better computing through lack of sleep.
---------- From: Golan Ben-Oni[SMTP:bnite@tremere.ios.com] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 1997 3:53 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Keynote/Boardwatch Internet Backbone Index
For shits and grins: