Perhaps most worrisome is I've seen several "consultants" recommending to customers to shutdown their e-mail over the new year's weekend. Unfortunately this could create a mail jam, and a large traffic load when they turn the e-mail back on the following Monday. The most crazy idea is to do something non-standard (such as turn off computer, etc etc) in the Ney Year night. People (just as this _consultants_) do not understand that Y2K danger is not the danger of new year moment when real time systems (including kernels etc etc) can work withouth any troubles because
this system never use splitted form of the dates (they use the number-of-seconds-since-XXX instead). Y2K problem is really the human problem and the problem of the accounting and billing systems which converts dates to the splitted, human-readable forms, or use the dates to generate file names, search keys etc etc. The problems begin after the new year weekend when a croud of humans attempt to retrieve some information or fill in some forms; I think the real-time Y2K troubles we'll have in new year night will be 99% caused by this crazy leaded humans who turn off computers, refuse to follow their habits, etc etc...