On Tue, Jan 20, 1998 at 07:03:42PM -0500, Dean Anderson wrote:
I'm working on a spam policy which may be viewed at http://www.av8.com/spampolicy.html It includes all the laws that are being broken by all the parties. It's still a draft, but the main points are there.
I want to do my part to try to stop attacks, but I'm baffled on this one.
Here's what you can do:
Get people to stop illegally blocking spam, and then get the spammers to stop illegally using relays.
Sysadmins have a right to make sure their systems are not compromised, and to protect the integrity of their service for their users. Period. Sorry, Dean -- and I don't want to get into a big argument here, because nanog is not the place for it -- but spam does affect the throughput of the typical ISP and it does crash servers (it did to ours).
At some point, perhaps we can take a list of violators to the FBI and ask them to restore order and enforce the laws on spammer and anti-spammer violators.
ISP's are private companies and the servers are their property. If the ISP makes known when the user signs up that spam is being blocked, and the user acknowledges that and signs up anyway, I can't see how anyone's rights are being violated. -- Steve Sobol - sjsobol@nacs.net NACS FAQ: http://www.nacs.net/support/faq Maintainer of the NACS.NET Tech Support Site at http://www.nacs.net/support DNS guy, Postmaster, "Web Dude", and AUP Person/Spaminator (T.I.N.C.) 128K ISDN. Flat rate. $37.50 per month. You know you want it, so why don't you call me? 216 619-2000, 1-888-273-NACS. "Operators are standing by!" :)