On Wed, 23 May 2001, Tony Mumm wrote:
I've seen a trend lately where I'm finding out, after the fact, where pieces of larger CIDR blocks are being taken apart by a myriad of unaggregated routes. The other backbone providers freely allowed an announcement of that non-portable space to the Internet without regard to either the owning provider, or to general Internet routing.
Here's a related question. Suppose provider A has a customer C who multihomes with a connection to A and provider B. C uses IP's assigned by A. C terminates service with A...but keeps announcing A's space to B. B propogates the routes to their peers. B and C ignore requests that they stop using A's space and renumber into B's. How does A reclaim their space? One obvious solution is dueling routes...A could announce more specific routes, fouling things up for B and C hoping this will serve as encouragement for C to renumber. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route System Administrator | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________