Ref: Your note of Fri, 15 Apr 1994 10:52:00 -0400 Henry,
This assumes alot, including customers that don't switch providers and inject more specific routes (this is happening already).
No, I assumed that most (but NOT all) of the customers who switch providers would renumber. I can further weaken this assumption by allowing aggregation above the immediate provider level (you can do this with CIDR).
You're also assuming that we have a mechanism for aggregating routes for folks who choose not to (or can't, for some reason).
That is not so far-fetched assumption. Proxy aggregation is likely to happen, whether some folks like it or not.
CIDR only buys us a *little* time..
Remember there is "CIDR movie", but there is also "CIDR book". You need to consider both... Yakov.