On 04/06/05, Adam Jacob Muller <adam@gotlinux.us> wrote:
Firstly, what is the best way to remove myself from each of these blacklists, if there is anything aside from going to each one individually and saying "i'm not spamming anymore".
Right now, that's about it -- but many folks only do temporary blocking based on recent traffic patterns, so you can also just wait a few days and I bet some of the problem will go away.
Second, is there some way to mark my block of addresses is owned by responsible responsive system administrators.
If there was, the spammers would be the first to adopt it.
We have tech support on duty 24/7 and abuse complaints are dealt with in a timely manner, so I am wondering if there is a way to communicate our willingness to help in the fight against spam.
http://www.maawg.org/ is probably the best industry group focused on these issues right now. -- J.D. Falk As a carpenter bends the seat of a chariot <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> I bend this frenzy round my heart.